Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Ever have those nights when you know you're dreaming and you even have some control over the course of the dream, but you are unable to wake yourself up? I am living such a nightmare right now, only I can't seem to convince myself that it's just a dream. The last four days have been the definition of surreal. I was in Ottawa on Friday, taking my young men to a dance, and getting home to Montreal around 2am. I flew to Salt lake City on Saturday and after meeting my dad drove up to Brigham City to surprise my Grandparents before they moved to Boston for a year. I flew back overnight on Sunday--> Monday morning, but was denied entry into Canada as a result of study permit problems. After sitting in a waiting area for four hours, running on 30 hours with no sleep and being denied breakfast and lunch, I was eventually escorted by two armed guards through the terminal in Montreal's airport, and put on a plane to NYC. In a 50 hour period, I was in an airport or on a plane for 30 hours. Now I'm stuck in Manhattan working to resolve the problem while trying to successfully complete my semester and degree. I am grateful for everyone who has gone so far out of their way to help me attempt to fix the situation, including Columbia University for granting me access to their library services. Special thanks are also due to my parents, Martine Blanc, Cedric Phan, Sarah Sacuto, Melissa Poirrier, Eva Stopa, Philippe Lemble, Michael Kane and the good people at Fedex on 59th street. I'll keep you posted.

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