Tuesday, January 30, 2007

President Romney?

What do you think of Mitt Romney? He is a Republican, the former Governor of Massachusetts (an extremely liberal state) who is running for President. He is also Mormon, the first serious Mormon presidential canidate in US history. While there are a couple other people whose politics I tend to agree with a little more, I am quite proud of him and feel I have a lot of interest in how he and his faith are portrayed. I am grateful for people like him who are bringing us further into the mainstream of society. I have had the opportunity to meet two other leaders, Senator Gordon Smith, a republican of Oregon (who is one of the leading Rep. critics of Bush's Iraq escalation) and Senator Harry Reid, a democrat from Nevada who is Senate Majority Leader, the highest office a democrat currently holds. When I met these Senators, I thanked them for their example and integrity. As for 2008, I already have a preferred candidate, but since it is so early in the process (still a whole year until the first primary) I'll wait to tell you why I like her.

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