Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Holy cow it's cold!

Ottawa is one of my favorite places I've lived so far. It's a relatively small big city, but has tons going on. They really make the most of what they have too. For example, they freeze the main canal running through the city (The Rideau Canal) and open it to the public as a free skating rink, making it the longest skating rink in the world. Of course it's cold enough that all they have to do is wait for the canal to freeze, then pour some more water on top so that the ice is thicker. In fact, it's so cold that they just pour water on the grass at every local park, so they create hockey rinks in every neighborhood. On Monday, Sarah bought some ice skates and we skated down the canal. Despite being something like -21 celcius outside, it was a great time. Also, Sarah updated our joint blog with some great posts, so check them out!

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