Friday, March 02, 2007

Half Marathon

As I wrote earlier, I've started training for the Ottawa Half Marathon at the end of May. I had my first run Feb. 7th and am now done with 4 weeks of training. It's been a great experience so far, though I really look forward to being able to run outside. I've tried twice so far, but both times the temp was -24celcius with windchill (-11Farenheit). Needless to say, that's too cold and so I've been running inside at one of two Univ. of Ottawa fitness centres (notice the Canadian spelling?) I've also been lifting weights and am loving my routine. So far I've run a total of 76 kilometers, or about 47 miles for a total time of 497 minutes, at an average of 6.5 min/km or 10.5 min per mile. I can see the progress though, that most of my recent runs are all an average of 6min/km, or about 9.75min/mile. So far my longest distance is 9km, or about 5.59 miles, which isn't terribly long and I've run that before, but it feels very different when I've already run 4 times during the week, and lifted weights 3 times and even went cross country skiing for 2 hours one day! Check out the spreadsheet I've created to follow all my progress. You can click on the tabs at the top to see the week by week summary, the runs sorted by date or sorted by distance. Enjoy!

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