Friday, March 16, 2007


Here are the latest updates from me and Sarah. 1) On Tuesday we sent our application for a K3 non immigrant for Sarah, which would allow Sarah to enter the States in time for us to go to UNC while we wait for her spouse visa. This supposedly takes 2-3 months to process, so it should work out just fine. 2) I'm really excited about the college basketball tournement which started yesterday. In case you're out of the loop, it's a single elimination tounrnement of 64 colleges. To become the champion, you have to win 6 games against increasingly tough teams. It's basically non-stop bball for the next couple weeks, and I love it! It's an unofficial national sport to make predictions, filling in your own brackets for who is going to win each game, and ultimately the championship, and compete against friends trying to out predict you. I'm in an office pool with staff and interns from Congressman Charles Rangel's office, where I worked last summer. So far I'm tied for 2nd out of 13, so I'm feeling good. Of course, I predicted UNC and their broken nosed star, Tyler Hansborough to win it all (they're ranked #4 in the nation). 3) Sarah and I have our airline tickets for our upcoming trip to France and I couldn't be more excited about that. We also just bought our train tickets, so now we know where are going to be each day of the trip and have it all paid for. What a good feeling, I can't wait. We'll stay 5 days in Toulouse, a few days in Nice on the French Riviera, a few days near the Swiss border in Annecy, and a few days at the end in Paris. 4) I was the victm of identify fraud, someone took 635 out of my canadian bank account, trying to take another 700 out as well. We're with the Royal Bank of Canada, and apparently there were a number of cases of fraud last week, but the bank handled it real well. They called me that day, had it straightened out quickly, and since the money was insured, it's back in my account. 5) My running is still going well. I ran 10k today, making it 22k for the week so far, and after tomorrow's 3k, I'll have run 25. The distances start increasing more and more, next week will be 28, then 32 and then 36. Thanks to Kent, I've discovered a great website called that allows me to plan out runs through any city in the world and know exactly how far I've run. I'm in the process of planning all my runs in France and NY so I won't miss a single day of training! 6) The Yankees started spring training a couple weeks ago, and do you know what that means? Opening day is only a couple weeks away in early April! As far as I'm concerned, once the Yankees start playing again, it's summer. I can't wait for that, I'm tired of my 6th Canadian winter and glad spring and summer are around the corner. Well, that's all the latest. As you can see, life has been pretty good for us lately.

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