Sunday, June 08, 2008

He had a dream...

This powerful picture speaks for itself, even still, Eugene Robinson wrote a great article in today's Washington Post describing the "mind-bending improbility" of what Obama has accomplished. "A young, black, first-term senator -- a man whose father was from Kenya, whose mother was from Kansas and whose name sounds as if it might have come from the roster of Guantanamo detainees -- has won a marathon of primaries and caucuses to become the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party." I think Hillary's campaign has broken just as many barriers and I admire her for her run. I strongly disagree with anyone saying she lost because of her gender. While it was probably a factor for some, I think the biggest reason she lost was that she's a Clinton, which is ironic since that was one of her greatest assets as well. This great article in today's NY Times describes all the baggage and in-fighting the Clintons would have brought with them.

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