Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Butterflies in My Stomach

Sorry for the long delay in telling this story. Last week I went to Montreal to Celebrate Sarah's birthday and we had a great time. In addition to watching movies, hanging out, eating out at nice restaurants, we spent a day with her family, including her sister Rebecca and her husband Yohann and two kids, Guillame & Estelle, as well another of their sisters, Emilie and her boyfriend Sergio. We met Saturday morning at Montreal's botanical gardens accross the street from the Olympic Stadium to check out the buttefly exhibit. Unfortunately I woke up feeling very sick, and in the few hours before meeting up with her family I had already been the bathroom more times than the previous few days combined. Sarah was very sweet to me and provided a plastic bag to carry around in case I was feeling nauseous. After spending an hour or so enjoying foliage from all over the world I already had doubled the number of times going to the bathroom that day. We finally made it into the room with all the butterflies and it was really incredible. Imagine hundreds of butterflies flying all around you. I gave Sarah my camera and she took tons of great pictures of her family and beautiful butterflies. Unfortunately I was only there for 3 minutes before I felt my stomach jumping around. I didn't make it all the way to the bathroom before I threw up, the first, second or even the third time! Fortunately I had the plastic bag with me so I could discreetly, or as discreet as you can be about puking in public, threw up without requiring a cleanup crew. The first picture on this post is just a few minutes before this happened. I made it through the day and tried to have a sense of humor about how it's only fair that I get sick when I'm visiting her family since she's had unique health issues while visiting mine.

1 comment:

Steenson Family Blog said...

What's the funny story?!