Tuesday, July 25, 2006


"She says she wants to be a sociologist, but I think she better first get checked by a neurologist!" I heard this line in a goofy Phish song last night as I was celebrating my recent good news. Perhaps you remember the independent research project I did on cesarean section rates throughout the fall semester, and the 25 page paper I wrote summarizing my research and that it was accepted to be published in Verstehen, the Undergraduate Sociology Journal of McGill University. Well, in addition to a generous wedding gift check, last night in the mail I received a package from the McGill Sociology department with a freshly published copy of the journal. I can't describe how thrilling it was to read my abstract, intro, bio, etc. It was a lot of work, but so incredibly gratifying. As I wrote in my bio, many thanks to Prof. Montgomery for her oversight and insight, to my parents for their encouragement and to my sweetheart Sarah for her unfailing support, which included reading every draft of the paper. In fact, I would email her updated drafts every couple pages, and she always seemed to respond within an hour with helpful suggestions.

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