Monday, May 19, 2008

55 million seconds of marriage

According to the counter on the right side of this page, Sarah and I will soon have been married for 55 million seconds (we're at 631 days right now). I have felt like the luckiest guy on earth for most of that time. I was particularly blown away during the 9,000 or so seconds we were in the hospital before Olivia was born (2.5 hours) and during most of the 1.8 million seconds since (3 weeks). Yesterday I had two profound moments of gratitude and joy as I thought about how things have changed during the last three weeks (constituting 3.3% of our marriage thus far). The first was during church as I sat with Olivia sleeping cuddled up in my left arm, and Sarah tired, with her head on my shoulder as I held her in my right arm. I am a dad, this is my family! The other moment was when the three of us laid down for our afternoon nap. Sarah and I spent some time looking at Olivia in the middle and I had the same thought, "I am a daddy and this is my family!" Life is pretty good and I can't wait to see what the next 55 million seconds bring.

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