Monday, May 05, 2008

Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

On Friday night Dad and I went to the Raleigh Fairgrounds to attend the NC Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, the annual fundraiser for the Dem. Party. I've been to a few of these types of events before, but this was special as both Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton were scheduled to speak. But before we saw them we got to hear two candidates running to replace Elizabeth Dole in the Senate (Kay Hagan and Jim Neal), as well as two candidates for Governor (Bev Purdue and Richard Moore). All were very good, though I found Hagan to be particularly impressive and I look forward to seeing if she can compete with Dole. Neal was very good too and was the only candidate to come up to our section to shake hands, etc (I can't believe more didn't, we were a trapped, captive audience obviously interested in politics). The second photo is of Jim Neal and a native of our section. The bottom photo is of Hagan during her speech.

Finally the secret service came out and Hillary was announced.

I thought she did a great job and feel very confident that if she ends up being the nominee I would support her. I was pleased to hear her say that if Obama wins "you better believe I'll work my heart out for him." She also mentioned how great John Edwards is, and then in the next sentence said she'd create a cabinet level position devoted solely to ending poverty. It's obviously pandering, but why not?

Around 9:45 it was Sen. Obama's turn. The atmosphere was pretty electric as the Obama fans were pumped, really making it feel like a high school pep rally. For the record, I voted for Obama this morning, but when I say fan, I mean the people who were jumping up and down, yelling, chanting "yes we can," etc. Somehow that's just not my style.

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