Wednesday, April 23, 2008

39th week

Today is the start of the 39th week of pregnancy and I couldn't be more excited. We'll be sure to let everyone know when it happens. Without getting your hopes up too much, you might be interested to know that Sarah has been having pretty regular contractions for a little while now. This happened last week too, so we're not letting ourselves get too excited. Last Wednesday (7 days ago) she was having contractions every 12-20 minutes for a period of three hours. We eventually went to bed and they stopped. Last night I got home around 8pm and Sarah said she had been having contractions for an hour already. They kept coming all night, about 10-20 minutes apart, so we eventually went to bed wondering if it would be like last week. When I woke up this morning at 7:30 Sarah was somewhat awake due to a contraction. I've been timing them this morning and they've been 12-16 minutes apart. In other words, while the contractions haven't been too strong or that close together, they have been pretty regular for over 12 hours now. Does that mean we're in labor? This is quite the week to go into labor as I have two huge papers due tomorrow and 2 final exams early next week. Luckily I've been preparing for this and have already finished the papers and think I could do well on the two finals. We'll see what happens!

1 comment:

Kim said...

How exciting!!!! Let us know when that sweet little girl gets here. It makes me miss Zac being that new. Being a parent is hard, but it's the greatest thing ever!!!
