Saturday, April 26, 2008


We went to the midwives yesterday and Sarah had her first cervical check. Turns out all those contractions have been productive because she's already 2-3 cm dilated and 60-80% effaced. This means she is well on her way and hopefullythe earlier phase of labor should be a little shorter. It might also mean we're closer to Olivia's birthday, though it's impossible to know. We know of people who have walked around 3 cm dilated for a couple weeks before anything happened. Even still, this is good news and means the end is right around the corner. Apparently the baby's head is also at station -2, which to me sounds like the name of a sci-fi thriller, but means that she has dropped a lot and is deep in the pelvic bone. Sarah had some regular contractions again last night, but only for an hour or so. She had worked herself so hard organizing a bridal shower for our friend Angela, that by the time she was doing dishes, they were coming every 4-5 minutes. They stopped by the time she fell asleep, but it's only 10am and she's already at a baby shower she planned. This girl doesn't know how to stop!

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