Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Rep Henbest Retiring

Having read this article in today's Boise Weekly about Rep. Margaret Henbest, I feel particularly proud to have worked closely with her. During the 2006 legislative session I lived in Boise interned for her and Rep. John Rusche (now the House Minority Caucus Chair). Both of these people were incredibly kind to me and taught me a lot about the inner workings of state government. As this article highglights, Rep. Henbest is someone who knows how to get things done and is able to build coalitions and consensus around her ideas. We had our share of disapointing defeats while I was there, and I know she had others during her 12 year tenure, but she accomplished so much she can be proud of. The above photo was taken on my last day in the legislature, immediately after she and a few other Representatives and staff had taken me out to lunch. I will proudly say that I am 17 pounds lighter than in that photo!

The state capital building in 2006. It is closed for renovation right now and I think expected to re-open in 2010.
My office was through this door on the right. What a fun place to work (though it was kind of like a dungeon down there!)

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