Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Fix Picks

As a boost to my ego, Chris Cilliza of the Washington Post updated his state by state projections and came to very similar conclusions as I did. In case you don't regularly read his blog, The Fix, you should, as it THE SOURCE I turn to for political analysis.

His post yesterday arrived at the exact same number I did, 279, though in a different way. Based on the latest polls that came out last night/this morning, he's updated it so it came down to Obama at 269 and McCain at 249, with Ohio making the difference between whose President. In case you haven't seen the recent polls, McCain has surged since the convention to either lead or tie Obama (depending on the poll). Just last week Obama was up 50-42.

56 days to go and the drama just keeps building. The worst case scenario is that the election day results are razor thin or in any way ambigous. If McCain wins, I hope it's a clear victory, and not by 3 electoral votes, etc. I get more worried every day that it's going to be SUPER close and we're going to have some new chapter to add to the Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 episodes. Like I said in my last post, I think it's mathematically possible they both end up at 269; then what?

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