Friday, September 26, 2008

Mayor Foy's Proclamation

At the beginning of Monday night's Town Council meeting Mayor Foy presented me and other members of the Active Living by Design Advisory Board with a proclamation declaring October to be "Go! Chapel Hill Month." He stressed the importance of physical activity and thanked our committee for the work we're doing to encourage active lifestyles and to advocate policies which make active lifestyles possible. You can watch the video of his proclamation here.

In case you didn't know, I was appointed to the committee by Town Council in June. It's been a fantastic experience to work with Councilmember Ed Harrison, as well as all the dedicated people on the committee. Over the last few months our agendas have focused on a variety of topics including community gardens and "complete streets." Our most recent meeting was devoted to reviewing the town's sidewalk priority list. I'm somewhat a nerd for detailed oriented things like and enjoyed understanding how these projects get prioritized. I was particularly excited by a few of the projects on their list, though somewhat confused by a couple others. In the end our committee passed a couple resolutions advocating that a major focus be to improve pedestrian safety along Weaver Dairy Rd and Martin Luther King Blvd. I spoke up about the importance of adding more crosswalks along MLK, especially near bus stops. Somewhat coincidentally, I recently read the town will be adding four new crosswalks on MLK this fall, including linking the Shadowwoods Apt complex and the bus stop on the west side of the street. It's nice to know we're on the same page.

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