Monday, September 15, 2008


In case you haven't noticed, I've added a few more links to the right side of the page. I also got rid of the daily update on the Yankees. It was more depressing news than I could handle! Here's a quick profile on each of the links:
  1. My family's blog - The real reason anyone comes to a blog of mine is undoubtedly to check out pictures of my daughter. My wife and I update this blog regularly with pics chronicling her growth.
  2. My Church - I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and very happy to share something that's made a major impact in my life and family.
  3. The Fix - Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post updates this political blog about 3-4 times per day and in my opinion is a must read. His analysis is usually dead on and well thought through.
  4. Antoine Flahault - I've recently become acquainted with Monsieur Flahault, the Dean of L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Publique, the School of Public Health in France. He was kind enough to put a link to this blog on his blog, and I'm happy to do the same to his very interesting and well thought through posts. Curious what a well informed French academic would write in a letter to the incoming President of the United States?
  5. North Carolina Institute of Medicine - Over the summer I worked as the Jim Bernstein Health Policy Scholar, supporting the work of three task forces focusing on improving health in North Carolina. I'll continue working there 2 days a week through the entire school year.
  6. Go! Chapel Hill Advisory Board - In June I was appointed by the Chapel Hill Town Council to serve on this advisory board dedicated to encouraging active lifestyles. We're currently focusing on how to improve the build environment so that people have safe places to walk, jog and ride their bikes. It's been a great experience so far and I'm looking forward to the direction the committee is going in.
  7. Liverpool FC - What can I say, I've become a fan of European soccer, and I'm claiming the Merseyside roots of my great grandmother Clara Simpson in rooting for Liverpool. In case you haven't been following, they've had a pretty good stretch the last few years. They won the Champions League in 2005 (the Super Bowl of European Soccer), lost 2-1 in the 2007 finals, and almost made it to the 2008 finals. It's been a delicate start to the new season as they barely qualified for the major tournment, sneaking by a team from Belgium at the last minute. However, when all is said and done, barely winning is the same as winning!

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