Thursday, November 03, 2005

Stuck in NYC-Back in Canada!

By now you've probably heard my story about being denied re-entry into Canada until my study permit problem was resolved. All in all, I was stuck in NYC for 12 days. In addition to studying at Columbia and trying to stay on top of my school work (which apparently was illegal to do in Canada), I enjoyed the unique vibrancy of my hometown. For example, I had the pleasure of seeing my name on the marquee in front of B.B. King's club in Times Square!

I stopped by Bryant Park on Tuesday as the Rangers were doing a promotional skate-around on the beautiful rink they just made in the shadow of the Empire State Building. I did see a few of the players, but I wouldn't have guessed except that they wore jerseys with their names on the back. Go Rangers!

5:50 am on Monday oct 24th - arriving into Newark. I had already been in airport/airplane for the last 11 hours, but little did I know that I'd end up back in Newark 9 hours later. I'm dissapointed this picture came out blurry, cuz I'm real close to the NYC skyline. This was actually the first time I've seen the Em. St. Bldg etc with all their lights out.

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