Thursday, September 07, 2006

Wedding Photos

Here's a slideshow of pictures from the wedding weekend. The only pictures I have so far are from my mom's camera, so it's far from comprehensive. For example, it doesn't include pictures from the Friday night family dinner that my father hosted, or the Saturday afternoon family luncheon. Nonetheless, it's a good taste of what was without exageration the most important and greatest day of my life. I love you Sarah!


grandpabingham said...

Dear David and Sarah,

We have really enjoyed the pictures. They bring back wonderful memories.

Love, Grandma & Grandpa Bingham

Anonymous said...

Dear David,
It is so much fun looking at your pictures. Thanks for sharing your life with the rest of us. You and Sarah will have a great life together. Congratutlations and best wishes!

From Don & Donna Bradshaw