Tuesday, March 28, 2006


The night before I flew home from Salt Lake City (about a week ago), I got an excited call from mom saying an envelope from Columbia University had arrived, and that it was a big one! (Acceptances come in the big envelopes with additional information, while rejections come in regular envelopes). I am very honored and excited by acceptance into one of the finest schools on earth, and where both of my parents received their masters degrees, and where my dad is currently finishing up his PhD. I must admit that it feels pretty strange to use a picture of Columbia's health science campus in which you can see the street I lived on as a 2 year old, the building I went to nursery school in as a 3 year old (see the two tall buildings in front of the bridge), and which cuts off just a few streets south of the buildings I've lived in since elementary school. Would it be fantastic or wierd to go to grad school a few doors down from my kindergarten? Do I love Washington Heights enough to want to live there as an adult (I count as an adult now, right?) and pay insane rent? They want a deposit by April 10th, so I guess I'll make my decision then. I've also been accepted to Albany, meaning I'm 5-5!! As a recap, I've been accepted to Yale, Emory, GW, Columbia and Albany. I'm still waiting on UNC, Michigan and have decided not to follow through with the rest of my Ohio State and Boston U. applications. What tough choices!

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