Thursday, March 30, 2006

Last Tuesday I got up early and went to the Salt Lake Temple, getting back to Jonathan's apt at the exact time we had planned on leaving for the airport. When I got to the airport (thanks for the ride Jon!) both bags were dramatically overweight. One was 78 lbs (which would've cost an extra $120) and the other was 56 lbs (which would've cost an extra $25). I gave up my place in line, stuffed everything into my carryon back-pack and guitar case, and got one bag down to 68 and the other to 50.5, costing me $25. I arrived in New York around 11:30pm and crashed. I was in the midst of a crazy streak: 7 straight nights in 7 different beds.

The next day I began a 12 hour, overnight bus ride to North Carolina for my interview at UNC-Chapel Hill. I got there Thursday morning, went straight to this building, and met with the directors of my mom's doctorate program. I am incredibly grateful for the hospitality of one of mom's classmates (Justine) and her family for taking me in that night. Justine works at Duke and her family was very sad they got knocked out of the tournement, though I apoligized the next morning for secretly rooting against Duke. My interviews went great the next morning and I came away very impressed with this fantastic school and hope to hear good news from them soon. Shortly after my interview I began my trip back home, not arriving in NYC until 15 hours later, at 7:30am on Saturday. By Saturday night, I had slept 10 straight nights in 10 different places (really 12, if you count that 2 of the last three nights were spent on multiple different Greyhound buses!) I am so glad to be home.

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